Why LightForce

A new technology must provide value


  • LightForce treatments start with the final goal in mind, reducing overall “round-tripping.”
  • 3D-printed slots are more accurate and precise than injection molded slots, preventing divergence. (i)
  • Torque and tip are expressed more gradually with “light force” via NiTi wires vs. having to engage bent beta-titanium and steel wires.
  • Even partially custom appliances are proven to reduce treatment time, number of appointments, and improve quality of the results. Imagine what fully custom treatment can do. (iv)


  • Arm your Treatment Coordinator with a compelling patient presentation to demonstrate that all patients (along with your aligners) receive 3D printed, custom appliances, made specifically for your teeth.
  • Improve profitability per appointment with fewer, shorter duration appointments and increased intervals between appointments.
  • Increase practice capacity.
  • Eliminate bracket inventory to match cash flow.

Delegation to Staff and Software

  • LightForce provides the option to empower and delegate bondings, turbos placement and rebonds to staff.
  • We help you to reduce or eliminate all wire bends (depending on your setup).
  • Limit debonds with our fully customized brackets. These brackets are less likely to come off due to their real, not composite, customized bases. Also, the software avoids occlusal interferences, and enables the ability to add TurboTrays.
  • A fully digital office using LightForce in conjunction with clear aligners allows you to unify appointment times and interval to closely match that for your clear aligner patients.

Your Doctor Time

  • LightForce algorithms result in far less “doctor homework” per case.
  • Unlike traditional indirect bonding, LightPlan algorithms always match the real base to tooth anatomy, so tooth position (ie. torque) isn’t limited by the extension of a composite base.
  • Unlike most clear aligner treatment, LightForce does not require attachments or significant over corrections, and teeth are more likely to “track”.

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  1. Silver M, Griffin AC, et al. Novel methods reveal that parallelism contributes to the functional vertical slot dimension in ceramic and metal brackets. The Angle Orthodontist, Vol 88, No 6, 2018
  2. Internal testing and unpublished data analyzing both accuracy and precision (standard deviation) of 3D printed slot play angles and the vertical slot dimension.
  3. Brown P, Wagner W, Choi H. Orthodontic bracket slot dimensions as measured from an entire bracket series. Angle Orthod. 2015 Jul;85(4):678-82.
  4. Weber NDJ, Koroluk LD, Phillips C, Nguyen T, Proffit WR. Clinical effectiveness and efficiency of customized vs. conventional preadjusted bracket systems. J Clin Orthod. 2013;47:261.
  5. Brown MW, Koroluk L, Ko C, Zhang K, Chen M, Nguyen T. Effectiveness and efficiency of a CAD/CAM orthodontic bracket systemAm J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2015;148:1067–1074.

*Note: the claims made above reflect anecdotal evidence and best practices from the orthodontists currently using and developing LightForce.